From The Somerville Times…
Let’s talk about where you’re going to be next Wednesday. That evening at the Somerville High auditorium we have a big community meeting with state officials concerning the Green Line extension. Everybody is welcome to attend and that is roughly the amount of people we’d like see there: everybody.
We may not be able to fit tens of thousands into the auditorium, but that’s the number of people this project affects. We’ve waited decades for the reintroduction of rail transit to the heart of our city. The work is under way. $700 million is already sunk in the project whether we build it or not. We have come too far and we are too close to having it operational not to bring it over the finish line. That’s why you need to be there. We want to emphasize the scope and importance of this project. And the decision makers need to hear it from you. I’ve been out talking and testifying about this over and over. But this is your meeting. We need your voice this time. Read more…