STEP at ArtBeat

Another ArtBeat, another opportunity to share what’s going on with the Green Line and other transportation projects in Somerville. Thanks everyone who dropped by our booth to say hello! Click for more photos.


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July meeting notes

  • We met in the VNA 1st floor private dining room on July 25 from 7 to 9 PM
  • Attending: Ellin Reisner, Gabriel Distler, Karen Molloy, Wig Zamore, Rachel Fichtenbaum


  • Artbeat was great! STEP got a lot of visitors, there was a big crowd around the McGrath table, and lots of people went to the Path table as well. The Friends had people write a note in support of the Path. We all had a great location! Thanks to everyone who volunteered.


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June meeting notes

STEP Meeting Notes ~ June 6, 2016

Who & Where

We met in the VNA Community Room on June 6 from 7 to 9 PM

Attending: Ellin Reisner, Lynn Weissman, Alan Moore, Rachel Fichtenbaum, Gabriel Distler, Karen Molloy, Wig Zamore, Max Morrow, Rachel Burckardt

Upcoming Outreach Opportunities

Artbeat is July 16. Karen sent a detailed email about getting ready

  • Ellin will send Karen the pdf of the CAFEH brochure so Karen can make copies
  • Ellin will make sure someone has access to the locker
  • Ellin will get her tent to Alan so the Friends can use it
  • Consider showing video of McGrath at rush hour to point out dangerous conditions


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May meeting notes

Who & Where

We met in the VNA Community Room in May 16 from 7 to 9

Attending: Ellin Reisner, Steve Mulder, Jim McGinnis, Kristie Chase, Lynn Weissman, Alan Moore, Heather Van Aelst, Bob Neeson, Rachel Fichtenbaum, Jonah Petri, Gabriel Distler, Karen Molloy, Andrea Y, Wig Zamore


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