Every year, the State files an Annual Status Report for the SIP commitments, which include the Green Line extension. This year’s report includes the following updates:
– The project has been included in all relevant state transportation planning documents, including the RTP.
– The State officially recommends the Route 16 terminus for the extension.
– Regarding the maintenance facility at Yard 8, the State acknowledges: “Public and municipal opposition to this location is significant, however, and EOT has encountered months of delays in advancing the Green Line Extension project as a whole due to issues associated with the support facility. EOT continues to work with the City of Somerville and representatives of the surrounding neighborhoods to address public concerns about the proposed location of the facility, but public support remains elusive and EOT is uncertain that a mutuallyâacceptable agreement can be reached.”
– The Draft Environmental Impact Review (DEIR) will be filed in August.
– The application for federal New Starts funding will be filed in the fall. “Should the Green Line Extension not be successful in the New Starts application process, the Commonwealth will be responsible for funding the full costs of the project on its own. This would compel EOT to review all project components and costs for affordability.”
Download the report (PDF).