The CCP (Community Corridor Planning) design workshops for the Green Line Stations were terrific. The energy in the room, the breadth of ideas, the creativity of the designs, the attention to critical details, and the keen knowledge of neighborhoods resulted in a terrific community start to making sure the Green Line is designed to serve our community well. We think the experience and the products produced were very exciting for everyone in the room. Keep reading to view example sketches from the all the groups.
Gretchen Von Grossman and Don Kindersvatter, our workshop consultants, are now assembling all of your great ideas into a final version to be presented to MassDOT. However, we know that submitting the document is only one way to present our ideas. To maximize our impact on the Mass DOT design process we invite you to stay involved, During the next months there will be many opportunities to present your ideas and to keep up to date on the progress of the Green Line extension. A first, important opportunity to do so is this Saturday at the MassDOT Green Line workshop.
Some examples of the output of the workshop are shown below. You can also download the complete presentation with ideas from all the groups.
Gilman Square:
Lowell St:
Ball Square:
College Ave:
Route 16:
Union Square: