It is critical that the public turn out to express continued strong support for the Green Line Extensions this coming Wednesday evening at the 6 pm hearing at Somerville High School. Learn about the meeting or keep reading for more background info on the status of the Green Line and the DEIR.
The Green Line Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) has been submitted by MassDOT (formerly MA Executive Office of Transportation) to the MA Secretary of Environmental Affairs. Secretary Bowles must determine whether MassDOT has fully investigated and disclosed the benefits and burdens of this important transit project before the state can proceed with design, engineering and construction of the Green Line Extensions.
The DEIR presents project decisions made by MassDOT in how to address: environmental impacts and mitigation, sustainable integration with land uses, future economic development, station locations and designs, pedestrian and bicycle accessibility, siting of maintenance and storage facilities, design and construction of the Community Path, integration with bus routes and future projects – the Urban Ring and the reconstruction of McGrath and O’Brien Highway (Route 28)..
MassDOT would like EEA Secretary Bowles and the Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) Office to accept the DEIR as a Single EIR which meets the requirements of a Final and Draft EIR so that MassDOT can move the project forward to meet the 2014 legal completion date.
We want the Green Line to open in 2014. But it is equally important to make sure that MassDOT âdoes it rightâ so that the Green Line will provide corridor residents and businesses with clean convenient public transportation for the rest of the 21st century. Our regional transportation must be designed and built to fully enable, rather than restrict, a sustainability community â including an improved environment, continued diversity and new businesses with good local and regional jobs.
Public oral comments can only be made at the Green Line DEIR hearing.
Written comments may be submitted at the hearing, by email or via mail.
The deadline for written comments to MEPA is December 9, 2009.
Written comments must include the Green Line EEA number # 13886.
Written comments can be submitted to Holly Johnson at MEPA with a copy to Kate Fichter at MassDOT , or by US mail to:
Secretary Ian Bowles, Executive Ofï¬ce of Energy & Environmental Affairs
MEPA Ofï¬ce, Attn: Holly Johnson, MEPA Analyst
EEA number # 13886
100 Cambridge St., Suite 900
Boston, MA 02114