Cambridge Chronicle: “Editorial: Moving forward with the Green Line Extension”
“The benefits of a more connected metro area that encourages greater tourism and commerce, links employers and employees, creates more housing and reduces pollution are worth it. The Chicken Littles fearful of cost overruns, many of whom live outside the metro area, can’t look beyond their own backyards. They shouldn’t drive the conversation around a project that will ultimately make the state stronger.”
Boston Herald: “Astrue: Green Line woes echo Big Dig’s”
“Secretary of Transportation Stephanie Pollack should send a strong signal to the state’s contractors by making it clear to the MBTA Board that it should fire the Green Line extension project’s general contractor, White Skanska Kiewit. You simply can’t expect the firm that got us into this mess to be objective about the hard choices the department must now make. It’s a clear conflict of economic interests.”
Somerville Journal: “Letter: Community Path will not be a waste”
“The Community Path is only a small part of the total cost of the Green Line project, yet is one of the most cost-effective pieces of it (and would be much more expensive to build after the fact than as part of the Green Line Extension project.) It will provide neighborhood access to four of the seven stations and will double as emergency egress for two of the stations. It saves millions by not having to build parking garages. More importantly, it is a key link in a regional network multi-use paths. The MAPC estimates that 3 million people per year will use the Community Path when completed.”