Somerville Transportation Equity Partnership (STEP)

May 05, 2008

Green Line stop locations proposed by state

At the Green Line Advisory Group meeting today, the state and its consultant Vanasse Hangen Brustlin (VHB) announced their recommendations for most of the stops along the new Green Line extensions. The stops are not final yet; some locations (such as the Lowell Line terminus and the Union Square stop) are still under discussion, and all will be open for public feedback at meetings that have yet to be announced.

The stops discussed at the meeting are listed below. STEP will publish an updated map in the coming days.

Brickbottom at Washington Street (formerly referred to as a Washington Street or Cobble Hill stop)

Gilman Square at Medford Street (near the Homans Building)

Lowell Street across from the Maxpak property

Ball Square just north of Broadway near Boston Avenue

Hillside between College Avenue and Winthrop Street in Medford (north of the Tufts University parking garage)

Route 16 / Mystic Valley adjacent to the UHaul on the Mystic Valley Parkway

Union Square was not discussed but will be at a later meeting

In addition, the state proposes building an MBTA maintenance facility on Yard 8 in the Inner Belt area.

Meeting handouts can be downloaded from the official project site.

Somerville Journal: "Plan is now for seven new Green Line stops through Somerville"
The article includes video clips from the meeting as well as a general map that doesn't point out exact station locations.