October 25, 2007

Green Line Advisory Group meeting

Thursday, Oct 25, 4-6 pm
Visiting Nurse Assisted Living Center community room
259 Lowell St (map)

The Executive Office of Transportation and Public Works (EOTPW), which is in charge of the Green Line project, states that "The primary role of the Advisory Group is to review and discuss key information and options for making the Green Line extension as successful a project as possible for Cambridge, Somerville and Medford, as well as the surrounding region. This will include commenting on potential stops and stations, addressing issues of environmental justice, addressing passenger safety and accessibility, and planning for stations and structures that fit into the fabric of the neighborhoods. EOTPW strongly believes that community involvement will help define the best project for the region." Advisory Group meetings will be chaired by the EOTPW Project Manager, Steve Woelfel.

The Advisory Group, which includes representatives from Somerville, Medford, and Cambridge, is a requirement of the conditions set forth for the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) study for the project. The DEIR will be performed by the transportation consulting company Vanasse Hangen Brustlin (VHB) along with six subconsultants. One of the responsibilities of the consultants is Public Outreach: to create a participatory and advisory public process, and to generate input from affected local citizens, regional and corridor-wide governmental bodies, and interested groups.

The public is welcome to attend all meetings of the Advisory Group. A 10-minute public comment period will be set aside at each meeting for comments or questions from the public.

Somerville's representatives to the Advisory Group are David Aposhian, Lee Auspitz, Joe Gilbough, Mimi Graney, Jim McGinnis, Steve Mackey, and Ellin Reisner.

Medford's representatives are City Councilor Fred Dello Russo, Ken Krause, Carol Sharpton and Dr. William Wood.

Cambridge's representatives are William Deignan and Paul Cote.

View the Guidelines for Participation given to Advisory Group members (PDF)

View the Project Overview given to Advisory Group members (PDF)