Map shows where roadway pollution is dangerous

View map The Metropolitan Area Planning Council 2007 Calendar features a map with the following text... Heavy Traffic Affects Air Quality and Health If you live, work or attend school within 100 yards of a roadway carrying 100,000 or more vehicles per day, you are more likely to suffer from cardiac or pulmonary disease. According to local and national studies, this…

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Ultrafine particles conference

The connection between ultrafine particles (less than 100 billionths of a meter in diameter) and health problems is growing stronger, as shown by various studies and expert speakers at this conference. A study by Rob McConnell of USC showed a 50% increase in asthma for children living within 75 meters of a highway as compared to those living more than 300…

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STEP’s Wig Zamore speaks at EPA meeting

Wig was among eight people selected to speak today at a meeting of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee. Afterward, the panel agreed to clarify and stress the seriousness of its prior recommendation to EPA Administer Johnson calling for stricter annual average fine particulate matter standards. (EPA proposed an unchanged annual standard on December 21st despite overwhelming scientific evidence of significant harm to human health at the exposure levels allowed currently.)


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